Imprint Publisher Prof. Dr. Michale HampeFull Professor at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political SciencesETH ZürichProfessur für PhilosophieLEH E 7Leonhardshalde 218001 ZürichSwitzerlandPhone: +41 44 632 30 40Phone: +41 44 632 31 32 (Sek.)Email: hampe@phil.gess.ethz.chcontactsV-Card (vcf, 1kb) Editor Dr. Martin MünnichStaff of Professorship for PhilosophyETH ZürichProfessur für PhilosophieLEH E 9Leonhardshalde 218001 ZürichSwitzerlandPhone: +41 44 633 82 98Email: System Responsibility ETH IT ServicesPhone: +41 44 632 77 77WebsiteETH ZürichOCTBinzmuehlestrasse 1308092 ZürichSchweiz