Voices from around the world

Life is posing questions, wisdom seeks to answer.

Once upon a time

Lonely aphorisms waiting to be commented on

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

About 1776

There is a big difference between still believing something and believing it again. Still believing that the moon has an effect on plants reveals stupidity and disbelief, but believing it again is a sign of philosophy and reflection.
About 1776

Send your comment via whormhole to the past!

Put your letter in the quantum post!

Pen pal waiting for an answer

Paul Kurt Feyerabend


Philosophers deal with the realization the same way the American Rifle Association deals with gun ownership: you can't mess with it, no matter how dangerous the effects are. But look, too many cars kill forests, lakes and people, they pollute the air, cause traffic jams, make children nervous with their noise and so on and so forth. Nevertheless, people still love their cars; they won't give them up that easily. That's why we need laws to regulate car use. And too much "rational", i.e. de-emotionalized discourse endangers the subtle connections between knowledge, emotion, action, hope, love and the components of our lives. Is our mind less worthy of protection than our lungs?

Making sense of fragments

Ludwig Wittgenstein


Worries are like illnesses; you have to accept them: the worst thing you can do is rebel against them.
They also come like attacks, triggered by internal and external causes. And then you have to say to yourself: "Another attack."

How would you understand that?


Goodbye Jan Assmann!

7. July 1938 - 19. February 2024

On February 19 of this year, the Egyptologist, religious and cultural scholar Jan Assmann passed away. Among countless other things, he taught us that Egyptian wisdom consisted to a large extent of listening to other people's wishes, suffering and hopes. At the same time, it was important to take a step back and be friendly and attentive to others. We had the opportunity to interview him and discovered that he himself embodied this ideal.
Thank you very much for your time, Jan Assmann!
 7. July 1938 - 19. February 2024

Poem of the moment

To those Born After
Bertolt Brecht

To those Born After

Truly, I live in dark times!
The guileless word is folly. A smooth forehead
Suggests insensitivity. The man who laughs
Has simply not yet had
The terrible news.

What kind of times are they, when
A talk about trees is almost a crime
Because it implies silence about so many horrors?
That man there calmly crossing the street
Is already perhaps beyond the reach of his friends
Who are in need?

It is true I still earn my keep
But, believe me, that is only an accident. Nothing
I do gives me the right to eat my fill.
By chance I've been spared. (If my luck breaks, I am lost.)

They say to me: Eat and drink! Be glad you have it!
But how can I eat and drink if I snatch what I eat
From the starving, and
My glass of water belongs to one dying of thirst?
And yet I eat and drink.

I would also like to be wise.
In the old books it says what wisdom is:
To shun the strife of the world and to live out
Your brief time without fear
Also to get along without violence
To return good for evil
Not to fulfill your desires but to forget them
Is accounted wise.
All this I cannot do:
Truly, I live in dark times.

Dialogues of the Dead

"Reading is education."

Voltaire says:

"Read, educate yourself! Reading alone develops our mind, talking confuses it and playing narrows it."

Konfuzius says:

"If you believe everything you read, you should stop reading."

To the podcast

Laozi points out:

"A beautiful book is like a butterfly. It lies lightly in the hand, transports us from one flower to the next and gives us a glimpse of heaven."

To the podcast

Lichtenberg shouts in between:

"A book is a mirror, if a monkey looks into it, no apostle can look out."

Upcoming extensions to the homepage

Wisdom on the screen

Wisdom on the screen

  • Starting May 2024

Why should wisdom only be found in old texts? Films and series accompany the everyday lives of many people and often have more to offer than mere entertainment. Isn't Christopher Nolan's Batman a wise character? Doesn't Terrence Malick's "The Thin Red Line" reflect on the meaning of life?
If you want to read about this or share your own thoughts on films and series, you've come to the right place in this upcoming section of the homepage!

Starting May 2024
Starting June 2024
Writing intercultural philosophy

Writing intercultural philosophy

  • Starting June 2024

Universities are slowly opening up to philosophies from other parts of the world than their own. Students are very interested in broadly defined philosophy, but there is a lack of places where they can try their hand at writing intercultural philosophy.
We would like to offer a place where advanced students, doctoral candidates and mid-career representatives can publish essays in which they can philosophize across borders, so to speak.

The New Metaphysical Club

The New Metaphysical Club

  • Starting June 2024

We deal with the relationship between spirituality and science; we interview people who deal with these two topics, follow publications on the subject and write about this relationship ourselves. All of this will be documented here.

Starting June 2024

Find out about related projects here:

History of Philosophy

History of Philosophy

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Polylog Magazine

polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren

  • polylog. Journal for intercultural philosophizing is published twice a year; the contributions which are mostly in German are blind peer-reviewed. Each issue is published in print and is made available online on this website after one and a half years under an open-access policy
Wisdom Podcast

The Wisdom Podcast

  • The Wisdom Podcast is a Buddhist podcast that features interviews with leading thinkers from the Buddhist world. Each episode takes you on a fascinating exploration of Buddhism and meditation as our guests share stories and discuss life-changing practices, timeless philosophies, and new ways to think and live.

Seeds Of Wisdom

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